NGO-Led Community-Based Conservation: A New Frontier of Territorialization with Implications for Pastoralists’ Land Tenure and Climate Change Adaptation

Abstract Authors; Jackson Wachira,  Joanes Atela, Paul Stacey and George Outa In recent years, many…
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What role for multi-stakeholder partnerships in adaptation to climate change? Experiences from private sector adaptation in Kenya

Authors;Kate Elizabeth Gannon a,*, Florence Crick b, Joanes Atela c, Declan Conway a a Grantham…
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The overlay between demographic characteristics, spirituality and retirement planning, Kenya expose

Abstract  Authorss;  Asenath Maobe | Alessandro Crociata (Reviewing editor) The subject of spirituality comes at a time…
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Agricultural market access and dietary diversity in Kenya: Gender considerations towards improved household nutritional outcomes

Abstract Author; Evelyne NyathiraKihiua, FranklinAmuakwa-Mensahb Achieving food and nutritional security by all people at all…
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