The Africa Research and Impact Network held a series of monthly research seminars scheduled from the month of August 2020 – October 2020 focusing on building Africa’s resilience in the post COVID-19 world. These monthly preparatory seminars were aimed at stimulating discussions and debate to inform the  ARIN International Conference titled ‘Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World: Lessons for Research and Policy scheduled for 18th – 20th November 2020.

The preparatory seminars were organised around three main themes of the conference:

  • Climate and natural resource Dependent Societies and COVID-19
  • Cities and COVID-19
  • Science Technology Policy and COVID-19

These themes are critical areas for Africa’s transition to sustainable developed economies in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

The overall output of the preparatory seminars and the main conference will be a book volume titled Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World: Lessons for Research and Policy’ edited by Prof. Mark Pelling & Dr. Joanes Atela. The seminars will involve presentations on cutting edge research taking place in various parts of Africa, panel discussions and expert opinions.

Series 1: Cities and Resilience

COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges, and opportune moments for city development. The pandemic has had…
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Series 2: Science Technology and Innovation

The COVID-19 presents a greater global challenge with detrimental health and socioeconomic impacts. Throughout the…
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Series 3: Low-carbon Development and Climate Resilience in the Post-COVID World:Lessons for Research and Policy

The COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous strain on global economies, social settings, the ecological environment,…
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