ABOUDOU Abib is a young Beninese researcher with a M.Sc. degree in plant breeding (crop production) and a professional licence in sociology anthropology (Social mediation and development facilitation).

During his professional career, Abib has made significant contributions to various agricultural and rural development projects and programs. consultant-trainer in sustainable land management measures and adaptation to climate change, he served as a supervisor on the GIZ agriculture promotion project (ProAgri4) and on the smallholder agricultural productivity improvement program (PAPAPE) of the territorial agricultural development agency (ATDA4 Benin). H has also served as a facilitator for the GIZ Soil protection Project (ProSOL). he had to train several field technicians on GDT/ACC measures and hundreds of producers and entrepreneurs.

Abib is currently the North focal point of the NGO Bien Etre et Développemnt Durable (BEED), an NGO that aims to empower women with a particular focus on agricultural innovations in respect with climate change. he has around 5 years of experience in agricultural consulting. He is dynamic, hard-working, rigorous and versatile. Passionate about conservation agriculture, he is always ready to acquire new skills in the sector.