Moudjaidou SEIDOU

Moudjaidou SEIDOU is a professional in sustainable agriculture. As an agricultural engineer, he works as a researcher at the Research Institute of the Interprofessional Association of Cotton (AIC) of Benin and as an associate researcher for a study of agronomic diagnosis, farms and farmers’ practices in the cotton zone of Benin. Consultant on agricultural value chains as a trainer for the international course Certification en Chaines de Valeurs Agricoles Durables (CVAD) in the African context for the NGO Agricultural Expertise Center (AEC). Previously, Moudjaidou worked as an agricultural technician/advisor for the BMZ/GIZ project Protection and Rehabilitation of Degraded Soils for Improved Food Security (ProSOL).

Moudjaidou is an alumnus of the international course Farmers’ Agency for Rural Economies of WCDI, Wageningen, The Netherlands. He has several years of experience in coaching and managing farmers’ organizations, strengthening the technical capacities of producers, and conducting socio-economic and demographic impact studies. He has strong skills in the implementation of research and development projects/programs in the field of agriculture, climate change, sustainable land management and agroecology.