Obed Kissi Asamoah: NDC Fellow
Tafadzwa Oswald Dhlakama, an environmental lawyer by profession is currently an embedded advisor working within the Climate Change Management Department in the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry working on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) implementation in the Country. His key responsibilities include supporting the countries NDC engagement process, including coordinating of the NDC revision; advise on and support the implementation and resources mobilization for NDC revision; building synergies across NDC sectors, development partners and monitoring the progress of NDC revision and implementation whose task to date he has well executed. He has worked with both local and international non-governmental organizations in Zimbabwe where upon he led the development of Zimbabwe’s Climate Change Model Bill. He has also been involved in the development of climate finance and biodiversity conservation policies and strategies in Zimbabwe. He has recently co-authored a Zimbabwe Climate Change Law: Concepts and Insights Book.