Knowledge Systems and Innovation(KSI)

This project seeks to develop an understanding of knowledge systems and what works to promote science, technology and innovation in the three LMI countries (Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania). Specifically, the project will generate evidence on the setting, performance and dynamics of the knowledge systems in the countries, which will then inform what works and what doesn’t in each country’s context in the promotion of STI. The project was funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), through the East Africa Research Hub.

Projects outputs;

• A working paper titled “Mapping of STI in Tanzania using a knowledge systems lens. A review”

• Brochure-Countries Case studies from each of the LMI countries

• Research reports

• Workshop reports

• Policy briefs

Project expected outcomes;

• A national level analysis of research outputs indicating research activity and national and regional knowledge networks and links.

• National level analysis of R&D and innovation investment in relation to key social and economic indicators.

• An outline of key institutional and governance arrangements and policy settings that can enable use of knowledge for innovation and social and economic need.

• Policy options for designing research and innovation

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