How social sciences and modelling are informing COVID-19 policy responses across Africa
In response to the varied impacts of COVID-19 on social dynamics, economic systems, and health systems, there is renewed need for evidence-based decision making. Several African countries have taken…
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The impact of COVID-19 on mental health and mental health treatment in Africa
Currently, the world is experiencing a third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in an increase in infections and deaths. Moreover, the prolonged nature of the pandemic, the uncertainty of its duration, the uneven vaccine roll-out and its inadequate accessibility all have an impact on mental health. Indeed, the…
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Public confidence and COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Africa
COVID-19 vaccination The COVID-19 pandemic has had clearly negative impacts on health and socio-economies worldwide. For Africa in particular, there is widespread concern that the pandemic could get far worse…
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Science engagement to support evidence-informed and context-specific policy responses to COVID-19 in Africa: understanding transmission dynamics and diagnostics
Africa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been hampered by several factors, including lack of adequate evidence on effective approaches for different groups, scientific uncertainties, scarcity of context-relevant…
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A collaboration to produce evidence-informed and context-specific science policy responses to COVID-19 in Africa
Why does Africa need a context-specific, evidence-based response to COVID-19? The severe acute respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) was declared a global pandemic by the World…
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Adaptation Research in Africa: Progress and Gaps
Insights from the COP26 Africa-Led Consultative Workshops Adaptation to climate change is a fundamental intervention in tackling the unequal impacts of climate change and addressing wider concerns around climate justice….
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Governing SDG interactions
Project Summary Numerous governments, businesses, and civil society organisations aim to contribute to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the global South. However, cherry-picking…
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