Situational Analysis for Transnational Cooperative Climate Initiatives In Africa

Scope of the work

The project aims at mapping the landscape of sectoral and cooperative climate action across Africa – both for garnering a better understanding of existing efforts, as well as identifying areas of further strengthening.

The specific scope of the work is as follows:

  1. A landscaping of the ecosystem of transnational cooperative initiatives operating across the continent. This would provide a list of key initiatives/actors per economic sector/subregion, an analysis of mature sectors/subregions, and notable gaps and/or weaknesses among key sectors/subregions.
  2. An analysis of the political, economic, financial, and institutional dynamics shaping the prevalence (or scarcity) of trans-/international cooperative climate initiatives across the region. This would look at existing barriers for the strengthening/growth of cooperative climate action across Africa, with possible suggestions for addressing these barriers.

The study is pursued by the ARIN in collaboration with the  ‘Future of Climate Cooperation’ initiative. The project is informed by the recognition of the need for stronger engagement and representation with Global South actors and initiatives on global climate change agenda. This is building on the Climate South project which focused on mapping non-state and sub-national climate action in Kenya. This new study is expanding the geographical scope to the entire Africa.  The study will borrow from a recently published report alongside an interactive tool developed to bring some visibility to the wide range of initiatives across this evolving landscape. An  event  on this agenda was also hosted during Africa Climate Week in partnership with FM6E discussing this approach. This analysis will form a strategy for engaging in COP 27 dubbed ‘ ‘The African COP” as well as for socializing the idea of an ecosystem approach to organizing climate action. Depending on how an initial scanning is undertaken and received, it could potentially lead to further, more granular research for specific subregions or sectors.

Proposed Approach

  1. Review existing assessments and studies to identify existing data and gaps that needs to be filled. This will involve desk review targeting documented assessments done under ARIN and partners as well as scoping various websites to identify these initiatives and how they are managed and reported.
  2. Undertake additional inventories through the ARIN networks. We will then work with the regional focal points and country fellows to help undertake quick assessments of the cooperative sectoral actions in various regions of Africa. This will be undertaken through a short survey questionnaire. This will borrow from our recent concluded work on mapping SMEs and their resilience-building efforts across Africa- as part of the Africa Adaptation Report by the Global Centre for Adaptation (GCA).
  3. Undertake expert and key-informant interviews with targeted respondents across the continent and with specific case study initiatives to assess the political, economic, financial, and institutional dynamics shaping the prevalence (or scarcity) of trans-/international cooperative climate initiatives across the region. Include specifics including numbers
  4. Result presentation and reporting using GIS mapping and presentation of results and associated reports.

Reference Materials

  1. The Future of Climate Cooperation

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