The overlay between demographic characteristics, spirituality and retirement planning, Kenya expose
Abstract Authorss; Asenath Maobe | Alessandro Crociata (Reviewing editor) The subject of spirituality comes at a time when people are asking many questions…
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Community Leaders Dialogues on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Gender Intersectionality under the Nairobi City Risk Hub, 2020
The Nairobi Risk Hub Secretariat (African Centre for Technology Studies -ACTS), Nairobi City County Government (NCCG), the Africa Research and Impact Network and partners from Kenya and UK are…
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Agricultural market access and dietary diversity in Kenya: Gender considerations towards improved household nutritional outcomes
Abstract Author; Evelyne NyathiraKihiua
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Series 1: Cities and Resilience
COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges, and opportune moments for city development. The pandemic has had implications on the social setting, the economic status, the ecological environment, and the policy…
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Series 2: Science Technology and Innovation
The COVID-19 presents a greater global challenge with detrimental health and socioeconomic impacts. Throughout the fight against the COVID-19, the world has relied on Science Technology, and Innovation (ST&I)…
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Series 3: Low-carbon Development and Climate Resilience in the Post-COVID World:Lessons for Research and Policy
The COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous strain on global economies, social settings, the ecological environment, as well as the energy supply and access systems that support them. This is…
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The Africa Research & Impact Network host its Inaugural Annual Conference.
Authored by Dr. Joanes Atela, ARIN Convenor, and Kennedy Mbeva, ARIN Co-Convenor The Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN) has just concluded…
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The ARIN Convener – Dr Joanes Atela Nominated as Theme Co-lead under the Forthcoming Commonwealth Scientific Conference
The Africa Research and Impact Network(ARIN)- Convener Dr Joanes Atela has been nominated to co-lead the theme on building resilient societies under the…
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Low-carbon Development and Climate Resilience in the Post COVID-19 World
On Friday 30th October 2020, the Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN) hosted a virtual seminar on Low-Carbon Development and Climate Resilience in the Post COVID-19 World. This was…
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Register for the The Africa Research and Impact Network International Conference on Africa in the Post Covid-19 World: Lessons for Research and Policy
The Africa Research and Impact Network, is delighted to announce its first virtual inaugural International conference titled ‘Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World: Lessons for Research and Policy’ that will…
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